Прописал. Спасибо - правильно.
Тут новая проблема приключилась, наверное еще похуже. Теперь, если запустить отредактированный скрипт-то вроде все работает. Но правда не тем боком что надо.
<!--Start List and Script-->
$list = "";
<!--End List and Script-->
… - если оставить поле "TYPE" пустым или написать неправильное имя переменной
(их всего три, на выбор -
1) newest - This will show the top X newest files.
2) downloads - This will show the top X popular files based on the amount of downloads each file has had
3) rating - This will show the top X popular files based on the rating visitors to your site have given them.),
то требует прописать его значение:
"You didn't select the type of list to show. Please see the paFileDB manual for more information"
А если запустить этот скрипт где-нибуть или без "шапки":
<!--Start List and Script-->
$list = "rating";
<!--End List and Script-->
…, выдаеться ошибка:
"Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/burbery/public_html/pafiledb/toplist.php on line 17"
А если так, с шапкой:
paFileDB 3.1
c2001/2002 PHP Arena
Written by Todd
Keep all copyright links on the script visible
Please read the license included with this script for more information.
if (file_exists("./install.php")) { die("Error: The file install.php (paFileDB installer) still exists on the server! This is a security risk! Please delete the file to continue using paFileDB."); }
If register_globals is off, we'll extract all of the superglobals so they can be used.
if (!@ini_get('register_globals')) {
$starttime = microtime();
$starttime = explode(" ",$starttime);
$starttime = $starttime[1] + $starttime[0];
$authmethod = "cookies"; //Set this to 'cookies' to use cookies to log you in (recommended.) If you're having problems with cookies, set this to 'sessions' and make sure a 'sessions' directory exists and is CHMODed to 777 (on *nix servers)
if ($authmethod == "sessions") {
require "./includes/mysql.php";
require "./includes/functions.php";
$config = $pafiledb_sql->query($db,"SELECT * FROM $db[prefix]_settings",1);
require "./lang/$config[13].php";
if ($login == "do") { include "./includes/$action/login.php"; exit; }
if ($ad == "logout") { include "./includes/admin/logout.php"; exit; }
if ($tm == "logout") { include "./includes/team/logout.php"; exit; }
$logged = "";
require "./includes/admin/auth.php";
require "./includes/team/auth.php";
if ($action == "download") {
include "./includes/download.php";
if ($logged == 1 && $ad == "backupdb") {
include "includes/admin/backupdb.php";
<!--Start List and Script-->
$list = "rating";
<!--End List and Script-->
То ни показывает совсем ничего, хотя страница грузиться нормально.
Разрешение на папку "INCLUDES", mysqul.php (а заодно и на toplist.php - зачем сам не знаю) я уже "довел" до 777 …
Можете что посоветовать? [/code]