45 Сообщения: 7225 Зарегистрирован: 07.06.01 Откуда: Москва
Заголовок сообщения: Есть вопрос. Добавлено: 4 Февраль 2002, 18:49:00
да. Coated. CV[C] - CV (забыл как расшифровывается) обозначает экранный аналог данного пантоновского веера. Соответственно uncoated будет маркироваться на веере 285U, на экране в Customm Palette 285CVU
35 Сообщения: 3521 Зарегистрирован: 30.06.01 Откуда: Нижний Новгород
Заголовок сообщения: Есть вопрос. Добавлено: 4 Февраль 2002, 18:54:00
What is CVC? Question What does CVC denote after the color number? Answer At 10/12/2000 04:09 PM we wrote - "CV" refers to "computer video." This designation is used to denote that a color is an electronic simulation of a PANTONE Color. It is used in Pantone-licensed software applications, for example, Illustrator, FreeHand, QuarkXPress, Photoshop, etc.
Many of the latest versions of these applications have separate libraries simulating the colors on both coated and uncoated paper. The following designations are used in this case:
CVC = "computer video coated paper." Denotes electronic simulation of the color, as it would appear printed on coated paper.
CVU = "computer video uncoated paper." Denotes electronic simulation of the color, as it would appear printed on uncoated paper.
Other designations that may appear are:
CVP = "computer video, process color." Denotes that the color is an electronically-generated CMYK simulation of a PANTONE Spot Color.
CVS = "computer video, SWOP-Standard." Applies to the PANTONE PROCESS Library, and denotes electronic simulation of SWOP-standard process colors.
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