Slan Metters, если разница крохотная, то зачем тебе CS? Купи себе 6 и книжку по оному.
_________________ We've got the big memory and the small memory. The small memory's to remember the small things and the big memory's to forget the big ones.
spasibo rebyat za otvet ! mne prosto photoshop nuzhno kupit... v nete est CS (creative suite) no on beshannie dengi stoit... a est eshe Photoshop 6 … vrode kak sam videl raznitca tam ne bolshaya , a cenna … Ya ponimayu chto CS luche tak on i stoit ""bolshe"" …
pro uchebnik dumal mozhet u kogonit naydetsa ssilka …
Spasibo za otvet !!! Vsem udachki !!!!
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