During November and December 2001, I organized a little typographical inquiry. I wanted to know top ten typefaces among typographers from Czech Republic and from around the world. I send personal e-mails to typographers I think highly of. Other typographers could answer using an on-line form – I tried to inform public in e-mail discussion groups etc. I stopped the inquiry in the end of December.
In total, 155 people joined the inquiry, 72 of them from Czech Republic. Many respected typographers and design critics answered the simple question. For example Peter Bilak, Erik van Blokland, Gert Dumbar, Luc(as) de Groot, Max Kisman, Gary Munch, Nicolaus Ott, Bernard Stein, Gerard Unger, Rudy VanderLans, Maxim Zhukov. Respondents named 400 type families, more than 153 of them got 2 points, 49 families more than 5 points and 26 more than 10 points.
First table shows total results. I add points of single weight or specific descriptions to general families.
Top 10 Total Author Date
1. Garamond Claude Garamond before 1550 2. Helvetica Max Miedinger 1958 3. Frutiger Adrian Frutiger 1976 4. Bodoni Giambattista Bodoni before 1788 5. Futura Paul Renner 1927-1930 6. Gill Sans Eric Gill 1928-1930 7. Univers Adrian Frutiger 1953-1955 8. Franklin Gothic Morris Fuller Benton 1904 9. Baskerville John Baskerville cca 1760 10. Times Stanley Morison cca 1932
For your interest: 11. Caslon, 12. Officina, 13. Meta, 14. Verdana, 15. Optima, 16. Arial, 17. Tyfova antikva (Tyfa Antiqua), 18. Eurostile, 19. DIN, 20. Avantgarde Gothic, 21. Rotis, 22. Trade Gothic, 23. Bembo, 24. Clarendon, 25. Akzidenz Grotesk. Following tables allow to compare the results of different groups of respondents.
Top 10 - Czech Rep. Top 10 - world
1. Garamond Garamond 2. Helvetica Frutiger 3. Futura Helvetica 4. Frutiger Gill Sans 5. Bodoni Univers 6. Gill Sans Bodoni 7. Franklin Gothic Futura 8. Baskerville Meta 9. Times Franklin Gothic 10. Univers Times
Top 10 professionals Top 10 answers from web
1. Garamond Helvetica 2. Gill Sans Garamond 3. Frutiger Frutiger 4. Futura Bodoni 5. Helvetica Futura 6. Bodoni Univers 7. Univers Gill Sans 8. Franklin Gothic Franklin Gothic 9. Officina Times 10. Baskerville Baskerville
I also wanted to know more about popularity of Frantisek Storm's types from the Czech type foundry "Stresovickб pнsmolijna".
Top Storm - Czech Rep. Top Storm - world
1. Tyfova antikva Tyfova antikva 2. Dynagrotesk Farao 3. John Baskerville John Baskerville 4. Splendid Quartet Jannon 5. Jannon
Дмую, maxim317 ближе к истине. К рубрике "Дизайн" это не подходит. Скорее, в интструментарий-софт, или в общий. Sciler интересный хитпарад. Но интересующиеся шрифтами здесь бывают во всех рубриках. (ИМХО)
Ну во первых, всё лежит тут: http://www.typo.cz/euro/ Адрес указанный в посте Sciler-а , это адрес студии автора заметки.
Во вторых, интересно и вот это:
"My personal favorities (in alphabetical order): Bell Gothic, FF Dax, Frutiger, Futura, Adobe Garamond, Gill Sans, John Baskerville, Pozorius, HTF Requiem, FF Thesis."
Sciler меня не возмущает твоя ошибка. Мне пофиг. А за хитпарад еще раз спасибо, это повод не возмущаться, а доплнительный стимул присмотреться к его результатам и поэкспериментировать...
старо ведь [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] и латинские шрифтьі... тот же Баскервиль в латинице как родной, а у нас страшно глянуть на полосу, им набранную. так что неактуально [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
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