Правилный ответ: надо на тот хост, куда флешка обрашаетса, положить фаил crossdomains.xml а в нем надо написать что то, не помню шас, флехса под рукой нет, в поиске посмотри
Помоему swf'ки (loadMovie) с другого домена грузятся и так, другое дело что там может что-то не работать из скриптов. А crossdomain.xml - нужен для XML, LoadVars и подобных с их send и load …
@st@l@vist@, наверно ты прав , я грузил swf в которых картинки (флеш вроде бы их грузит , видно по логам , но чето глючит и не показывает) , сделали чтобы просто jpg отдавались , все заработало . crossdomain.xml тоже использую для XML.
когда мой прелоадер загружает swf с другого домена , то getBytesTotal() показывает -1 , но в то же время файл по логам был загружен полностью , если запускаю не с домена а с компа , то все нормально загружает.
неа, 6 плейера нет
в седьмом рекомендуют указывать все домейны учавствующие в действиях:
System.security.allowDomain("A.com", "B.com","C.ru","D.de","E.ee");
тобишь если мы пишем под седьмой плейер то получается делать нужно так:
About allowing cross-domain data loading A Flash document can load data from an external source by using one of the following data loading calls: XML.load(), XML.sendAndLoad(), LoadVars.load(), LoadVars.sendAndLoad(), loadVariables(), loadVariablesNum(). Also, a SWF file can import runtime shared libraries, or assets defined in another SWF file, at runtime. By default, the data or SWF media, in the case of runtime shared libraries, must reside in the same domain as the SWF file that is loading that external data or media.
To make data and assets in runtime shared libraries available to SWF files in different domains, use a cross-domain policy file. A cross-domain policy file is an XML file that provides a way for the server to indicate that its data and documents are available to SWF files served from certain domains or from all domains. Any SWF file that is served from a domain specified by the server’s policy file will be permitted to access data or assets from that server.
When a Flash document attempts to access data from another domain, Flash Player automatically attempts to load a policy file from that domain. If the domain of the Flash document that is attempting to access the data is included in the policy file, the data is automatically accessible.
Policy files must be named crossdomain.xml, and can reside either at the root directory or in another directory on the server that is serving the data with some additional ActionScript (see About custom policy file locations). Policy files function only on servers that communicate over HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP. The policy file is specific to the port and protocol of the server where it resides.
An exception to this rule is the use of an XMLSocket object to connect to a socket server in another domain. In that case, an HTTP server running on port 80 in the same domain as the socket server must provide the policy file for the method call.
An XML policy file contains a single <cross-domain-policy> tag, which, in turn, contains zero or more <allow-access-from> tags. Each <allow-access-from> tag contains an attribute, domain, which specifies either an exact IP address, an exact domain, or a wildcard domain (any domain). Wildcard domains are indicated by either a single asterisk (*), which matches all domains and all IP addresses, or an asterisk followed by a suffix, which matches only those domains that end with the specified suffix. Suffixes must begin with a dot. However, wildcard domains with suffixes can match domains that consist of only the suffix without the leading dot. For example, foo.com is considered to be part of *.foo.com. Wildcards are not allowed in IP domain specifications.
If you specify an IP address, access is granted only to SWF files loaded from that IP address using IP syntax (for example,, not those loaded using domain-name syntax. Flash Player does not perform DNS resolution.
The following example shows a policy file that permits access to Flash documents that originate from foo.com, www.friendOfFoo.com, *.foo.com, and, from a Flash document on foo.com:
Each <allow-access-from> tag also has the optional secure attribute. The secure attribute defaults to true. You can set the attribute to false if your policy file is on an HTTPS server, and you want to allow SWF files on an HTTP server to load data from the HTTPS server.
Setting the secure attribute to false could compromise the security offered by HTTPS.
If the SWF file you are downloading comes from a HTTPS server, but the SWF file loading it is on an HTTP server, you need to add the secure="false" attribute to the <allow-access-from> tag, as shown in the following code:
Посмотрел как у ММ сделано:
Они пишут в файле который загружает System.security.allowDomain("Домен с которого грузим");, а в файле который подгружается просто System.security.allowDomain(_parent._url);
Это дает возможность уже не думать о том куда мы будем подгружать этот файл в будущем.
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