// Action script...
// [Action in Frame 1]
function checkLoading() { if (!this.prompt) { this.createTextField("prompt", 0, Stage.width / 2 - 100, Stage.height / 2 - 10, 200, 20); this.promptFormat = new TextFormat(); this.promptFormat.color = 16777215; this.prompt.setNewTextFormat(this.promptFormat); } // end if this.prompt.text = Math.floor(100 * (this.getBytesLoaded() / this.getBytesTotal())) + "% OF " + Math.round(this.getBytesTotal() / 100) / 10 + "KO LOADED"; if (this.getBytesLoaded() >= this.getBytesTotal()) { clearInterval(this.checkLoadingId); this.prompt.text = ""; gotoAndStop(3); } // end if } // End of the function this.checkLoadingId = setInterval(this, "checkLoading", 50); stop();
// [Action in Frame 3] _root.PI = 3.141000; MovieClip.prototype.setBook = function () { this.decAlpha = 3; this.incAngle = 30; var addCenter = 200; var pushSize = 50; var slowDiv = 4; this.slowDec = 10; this.waitForEvent = new Object(); this.zind = 1; this.board = this.getBounds(this); this.board.height = this.board.yMax - this.board.yMin; this.board.width = this.board.xMax - this.board.xMin; this.zind++; this.createEmptyMovieClip("maskBoardOpen", this.zind); this.maskBoardOpen.beginFill(16777215, 100); this.maskBoardOpen.moveTo(this.board.xMin, this.board.yMin - this.board.height); this.maskBoardOpen.lineTo(this.board.xMax, this.board.yMin - this.board.height); this.maskBoardOpen.lineTo(this.board.xMax, this.board.yMax); this.maskBoardOpen.lineTo(this.board.xMin, this.board.yMax); this.maskBoardOpen.lineTo(this.board.xMin, this.board.yMin - this.board.height); this.maskBoardOpen._visible = false; this.zind++; this.createEmptyMovieClip("maskBoardClose", this.zind); this.maskBoardClose.beginFill(16777215, 100); this.maskBoardClose.moveTo(this.board.xMin, this.board.yMin); this.maskBoardClose.lineTo(this.board.xMax, this.board.yMin); this.maskBoardClose.lineTo(this.board.xMax, this.board.yMax); this.maskBoardClose.lineTo(this.board.xMin, this.board.yMax); this.maskBoardClose.lineTo(this.board.xMin, this.board.yMin); this.maskBoardClose._visible = false; var i = 0; this.zind++; if (this.attachMovie("page" + i, "page" + i, this.zind)) { this["page" + i].zind = this.zind - 1; this["page" + i]._visible = false; this["page" + i].bound = this["page" + i].getBounds(this["page" + i]); var addMask = Math.abs(this["page" + i].bound.xMax - this["page" + i].bound.xMin); if (Math.round(i / 2) != i / 2) { this["page" + i].radius = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this["page" + i].bound.xMax, 2) + Math.pow(this["page" + i].bound.yMax, 2)); this["page" + i].angle = (this["page" + i].bound.xMax < 0 ? -1 : 1) * Math.acos(this["page" + i].bound.yMax / this["page" + i].radius) + _root.PI / 2; this.zind++; this.createEmptyMovieClip("maskOpen" + i, this.zind); this["maskOpen" + i].beginFill(16711680, 100); this["maskOpen" + i].moveTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMin - addMask, this["page" + i].bound.yMin - addMask); this["maskOpen" + i].lineTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMax, this["page" + i].bound.yMin - addMask); this["maskOpen" + i].lineTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMax, this["page" + i].bound.yMax + addMask); this["maskOpen" + i].lineTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMin - addMask, this["page" + i].bound.yMax + addMask); this["maskOpen" + i].lineTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMin - addMask, this["page" + i].bound.yMin - addMask); this["maskOpen" + i].endFill(); this["maskOpen" + i].radius = this["page" + i].radius; this["maskOpen" + i].angle = this["page" + i].angle; this["maskOpen" + i]._visible = false; this["page" + i]._x = this.board.xMin - this["page" + i].bound.xMin; this["page" + i]._y = this.board.yMin - this["page" + i].bound.yMin; } else { this["page" + i].radius = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this["page" + i].bound.xMin, 2) + Math.pow(this["page" + i].bound.yMax, 2)); this["page" + i].angle = (this["page" + i].bound.xMin <= 0 ? -1 : 1) * Math.acos(this["page" + i].bound.xMin / this["page" + i].radius); this.zind++; this.createEmptyMovieClip("maskOpen" + i, this.zind); this["maskOpen" + i].beginFill(16711680, 100); this["maskOpen" + i].moveTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMin, this["page" + i].bound.yMin - addMask); this["maskOpen" + i].lineTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMax + addMask, this["page" + i].bound.yMin - addMask); this["maskOpen" + i].lineTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMax + addMask, this["page" + i].bound.yMax + addMask); this["maskOpen" + i].lineTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMin, this["page" + i].bound.yMax + addMask); this["maskOpen" + i].lineTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMin, this["page" + i].bound.yMin - addMask); this["maskOpen" + i].endFill(); this["maskOpen" + i].radius = this["page" + i].radius; this["maskOpen" + i].angle = this["page" + i].angle; this["maskOpen" + i]._visible = false; this["page" + i]._x = this.board.xMax - this["page" + i].bound.xMax; this["page" + i]._y = this.board.yMax - this["page" + i].bound.yMax; } // end if this.zind++; this.createEmptyMovieClip("maskPage" + i, this.zind); this["maskPage" + i].beginFill(16711680, 100); this["maskPage" + i].moveTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMin, this["page" + i].bound.yMin); this["maskPage" + i].lineTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMax, this["page" + i].bound.yMin); this["maskPage" + i].lineTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMax, this["page" + i].bound.yMax); this["maskPage" + i].lineTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMin, this["page" + i].bound.yMax); this["maskPage" + i].lineTo(this["page" + i].bound.xMin, this["page" + i].bound.yMin); this["maskPage" + i].endFill(); this["maskPage" + i].radius = this["page" + i].radius; this["maskPage" + i].angle = this["page" + i].angle; this["maskPage" + i]._visible = false; this.zind++; this["maskOpen" + i].duplicateMovieClip("maskClose" + i, this.zind); this["maskClose" + i]._visible = false; this["maskClose" + i].radius = this["page" + i].radius; this["maskClose" + i].angle = this["page" + i].angle; i++; // Jump to 2365 } // end if this.nbPage = i; this.zind++; this.createEmptyMovieClip("shadowSpread", this.zind); this.shadowSpread.setMask(this.maskBoardOpen); this.zind++; this.createEmptyMovieClip("shadowBack", this.zind); this.shadowBack.setMask(this.maskBoardClose); this.zind++; this.createEmptyMovieClip("shadowOver", this.zind); this.yCenter = this.board.yMax + this.board.height + addCenter; this.xCenter = (this.board.xMax + this.board.xMin) / 2; this.radius = this.board.height + addCenter; this.rightAngle = _root.PI / 2 - 2 * Math.asin(this.board.width / 2 / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.board.width / 2, 2) + Math.pow(this.radius, 2))); this.leftAngle = _root.PI - this.rightAngle; this.incAngle = Math.abs((_root.PI / 2 - this.rightAngle) / this.incAngle); this.rightSlow = _root.PI / 2 - (_root.PI / 2 - this.rightAngle) / slowDiv; this.leftSlow = _root.PI / 2 + (_root.PI / 2 - this.rightAngle) / slowDiv; this.createEmptyMovieClip("rightPush", this.zind + 10); this.rightPush.beginFill(14540253, 0); this.rightPush.lineTo(0, -pushSize); this.rightPush.lineTo(-pushSize, -pushSize); this.rightPush.lineTo(-pushSize, 0); this.rightPush.lineTo(0, 0); this.rightPush.endFill(); this.rightPush._x = this.board.xMax; this.rightPush._y = this.board.yMax; this.rightPush.useHandCursor = false; this.rightPush.onRollOver = function () { if (!this._parent.busy) { this._parent.gotoPage("overRight"); } else { this._parent.waitForEvent.inst = this; this._parent.waitForEvent.meth = "onRollOver"; } // end if }; this.rightPush.onRollOut = function () { if (!this._parent.busy) { this._parent.gotoPage("outRight"); } else { this._parent.waitForEvent.inst = this; this._parent.waitForEvent.meth = "onRollOut"; } // end if }; this.rightPush.onPress = function () { if (!this._parent.busy) { this._parent.busy = true; this._parent.initX = this._parent._xmouse; this._parent.mouseInt = setInterval(this._parent, "mouseMove", 0); } // end if }; this.createEmptyMovieClip("leftPush", this.zind + 11); this.leftPush.beginFill(14540253, 0); this.leftPush.lineTo(0, -pushSize); this.leftPush.lineTo(pushSize, -pushSize); this.leftPush.lineTo(pushSize, 0); this.leftPush.lineTo(0, 0); this.leftPush.endFill(); this.leftPush._x = this.board.xMin; this.leftPush._y = this.board.yMax; this.leftPush.useHandCursor = false; this.leftPush.onRollOver = function () { if (!this._parent.busy) { this._parent.gotoPage("overLeft"); } else { this._parent.waitForEvent.inst = this; this._parent.waitForEvent.meth = "onRollOver"; } // end if }; this.leftPush.onRollOut = function () { if (!this._parent.busy) { this._parent.gotoPage("outLeft"); } else { this._parent.waitForEvent.inst = this; this._parent.waitForEvent.meth = "onRollOut"; } // end if }; this.leftPush.onPress = function () { if (!this._parent.busy) { this._parent.busy = true; this._parent.initX = this._parent._xmouse; this._parent.mouseInt = setInterval(this._parent, "mouseMove", 0); } // end if }; this.mouseMove = function () { this.currentSpeed = this.initX - this._xmouse; this.currentAngle = this.currentAngle + this.incAngle * this.currentSpeed / 20; if (this.rotation) { if (this.currentAngle > this.rightSlow) { this.shadowSpread._alpha = this.shadowSpread._alpha + (this.currentSpeed < 0 ? 1 : -1) * this.decAlpha; this.shadowOver._alpha = this.shadowSpread._alpha + (this.currentSpeed < 0 ? 1 : -1) * this.decAlpha; this.shadowBack._alpha = this.shadowSpread._alpha + (this.currentSpeed < 0 ? 1 : -1) * this.decAlpha; if (this.currentAngle >= _root.PI / 2) { this.currentAngle = _root.PI / 2; clearInterval(this.mouseInt); this.mouseInt = ""; this.pageRight = this.bellowPage; this.pageLeft = this.openPage; this.clearPage(); } // end if } else if (this.currentAngle < this.rightAngle) { this.currentAngle = this.rightAngle; clearInterval(this.mouseInt); this.mouseInt = ""; this.clearPage(); } else if (this.shadowSpread._alpha != 100) { this.shadowSpread._alpha = 100; this.shadowOver._alpha = 100; this.shadowBack._alpha = 100; } // end if } else if (this.currentAngle < this.leftSlow) { this.shadowSpread._alpha = this.shadowSpread._alpha + (this.currentSpeed < 0 ? -1 : 1) * this.decAlpha; this.shadowOver._alpha = this.shadowSpread._alpha + (this.currentSpeed < 0 ? -1 : 1) * this.decAlpha; this.shadowBack._alpha = this.shadowSpread._alpha + (this.currentSpeed < 0 ? -1 : 1) * this.decAlpha; if (this.currentAngle <= _root.PI / 2) { this.currentAngle = _root.PI / 2; clearInterval(this.mouseInt); this.mouseInt = ""; this.pageRight = this.openPage; this.pageLeft = this.bellowPage; this.clearPage(); } // end if } else if (this.currentAngle > this.leftAngle) { this.currentAngle = this.leftAngle; clearInterval(this.mouseInt); this.mouseInt = ""; this.clearPage(); } else if (this.shadowSpread._alpha != 100) { this.shadowSpread._alpha = 100; this.shadowOver._alpha = 100; this.shadowBack._alpha = 100; } // end if this.movePage(); this.initX = this._xmouse; }; this.onMouseUp = function () { if (this.mouseInt) { clearInterval(this.mouseInt); this.mouseInt = ""; if (this.autoInt) { this.clearInterval(this.autoInt); this.autoInt = ""; } // end if this.finishMove(); } // end if }; this.pageRight = 0; this.pageLeft = ""; this.page0._visible = true; }; MovieClip.prototype.gotoPage = function (action) { if (this.autoInt && this.recallInterval == "") { this.currentAngle = _root.PI / 2; clearInterval(this.autoInt); this.autoInt = ""; this.oneMove(); this.recallInterval = setInterval(this, "gotoPage", 0, action); updateAfterEvent(); return(false); } // end if if (this.recallInterval) { clearInterval(this.recallInterval); this.recallInterval = ""; } // end if if (typeof(action) == "number" && action >= 0 && action < this.nbPage) { if (action < this.pageLeft) { this.jumpSens = "previous"; this.busy = true; this.incAngle = 10 * this.incAngle; this.jumpPage = action; this.gotoPage(this.jumpSens); } else if (action > this.pageRight) { this.jumpSens = "next"; this.busy = true; this.incAngle = 10 * this.incAngle; this.jumpPage = action; this.gotoPage(this.jumpSens); } // end if return(false); } else if (action == "next" && this.pageRight + 1 < this.nbPage) { this.openPage = this.pageRight + 1; this.coverPage = this.pageRight; this.bellowPage = this.pageRight + 2; this.currentAngle = this.rightAngle; this.oppositePage = this.pageLeft; this.rotation = true; this.pageRight = this.bellowPage; this.pageLeft = this.openPage; this.sens = true; this.busy = true; } else if (action == "previous" && this.pageRight - 1 >= 0) { this.openPage = this.pageLeft - 1; this.coverPage = this.pageLeft; this.bellowPage = this.pageLeft - 2; this.oppositePage = this.pageRight; this.currentAngle = this.leftAngle; this.rotation = false; this.pageRight = this.openPage; this.pageLeft = this.bellowPage; this.sens = true; this.busy = true; } else if (action == "overRight") { if (this.pageRight + 1 > this.nbPage) { return(false); } // end if this.openPage = this.pageRight + 1; this.coverPage = this.pageRight; this.bellowPage = this.pageRight + 2; this.oppositePage = this.pageLeft; this.currentAngle = this.rightAngle; this.rotation = true; this.sens = true; this.busy = true; } else if (action == "outRight" && this.lastEvent == "overRight") { if (this.pageRight + 1 > this.nbPage) { return(false); } // end if this.openPage = this.pageRight + 1; this.rotation = true; this.sens = false; this.busy = true; } else if (action == "overLeft") { if (this.pageLeft - 1 < 0) { return(false); } // end if this.openPage = this.pageLeft - 1; this.coverPage = this.pageLeft; this.bellowPage = this.pageLeft - 2; this.oppositePage = this.pageRight; this.currentAngle = this.leftAngle; this.rotation = false; this.sens = true; this.busy = true; } else if (action == "outLeft" && this.lastEvent == "overLeft") { if (this.pageLeft - 1 < 0) { return(false); } // end if this.openPage = this.pageLeft - 1; this.rotation = false; this.sens = false; this.busy = true; } else { return(false); } // end if this["page" + this.openPage]._visible = true; this["page" + this.openPage].setPage(this.currentAngle, this.rotation); this["maskOpen" + this.openPage].setPage((_root.PI / 2 + this.currentAngle) / 2, this.rotation); this["page" + this.openPage].setMask(this["maskOpen" + this.openPage]); this["maskClose" + this.openPage].applyPage(this["maskOpen" + this.openPage]); this["page" + this.coverPage].setMask(this["maskClose" + this.openPage]); var j = 0; while (j < this.nbpage) { if (this["page" + j].getDepth() != this["page" + j].zind) { this["page" + j].swapDepths(this["page" + j].zind); } // end if j++; } // end while this.shadowOver.swapDepths(this.zind + 7); this["page" + this.openPage].swapDepths(this.zind + 6); this.shadowSpread.swapDepths(this.zind + 5); this["page" + this.oppositePage].swapDepths(this.zind + 4); this["page" + this.coverPage].swapDepths(this.zind + 3); this.shadowBack.swapDepths(this.zind + 2); this["page" + this.bellowPage].swapDepths(this.zind + 1); this.shadowSpread.setShadowSpread.call(this.shadowSpread, this["page" + this.openPage], this.rotation); this.shadowSpread.setPage(this.currentAngle, this.rotation); this.shadowBack.applyPage(this["maskOpen" + this.openPage]); this.shadowBack.setShadowBack.call(this.shadowBack, this["page" + this.openPage], this.rotation); this["maskPage" + this.openPage].applyPage(this["page" + this.openPage]); this.shadowOver.setMask(this["maskPage" + this.openPage]); this.shadowOver.setShadowOver.call(this.shadowOver, this["page" + this.openPage], this.rotation); this.shadowOver.applyPage(this["maskOpen" + this.openPage]); this["page" + this.bellowPage]._visible = true; this.shadowSpread._alpha = 100; this.shadowOver._alpha = 100; this.shadowBack._alpha = 100; if (action == "previous" || action == "next") { this.autoInt = setInterval(this, "oneMove", 0); } else if (action == "overRight" || action == "outRight" || action == "overLeft" || action == "outLeft") { this.autoInt = setInterval(this, "littleMove", 0); } // end if this.lastEvent = action; updateAfterEvent(); }; MovieClip.prototype.littleMove = function () { this.currentAngle = this.currentAngle + (this.rotation ? 1 : -1) * (this.sens ? 1 : -1) * this.incAngle; if (this.rotation) { if (this.currentAngle > this.rightAngle + 3 * this.incAngle) { this.currentAngle = this.rightAngle + 3 * this.incAngle; clearInterval(this.autoInt); this.autoInt = ""; this.busy = false; } else if (this.currentAngle < this.rightAngle) { this.currentAngle = this.rightAngle; clearInterval(this.autoInt); this.autoInt = ""; this.busy = false; } // end if } else if (this.currentAngle < this.leftAngle - 3 * this.incAngle) { this.currentAngle = this.leftAngle - 3 * this.incAngle; clearInterval(this.autoInt); this.autoInt = ""; this.busy = false; } else if (this.currentAngle > this.leftAngle) { this.currentAngle = this.LeftAngle; clearInterval(this.autoInt); this.autoInt = ""; this.busy = false; } // end if this.movePage(); updateAfterEvent(); }; MovieClip.prototype.oneMove = function () { this.currentAngle = this.currentAngle + (this.rotation ? 1 : -1) * (this.sens ? 1 : -1) * this.incAngle; if (this.rotation) { if (this.currentAngle > this.rightSlow) { this.shadowSpread._alpha = this.shadowSpread._alpha - this.decAlpha; this.shadowOver._alpha = this.shadowSpread._alpha - this.decAlpha; this.shadowBack._alpha = this.shadowSpread._alpha - this.decAlpha; this.currentAngle = this.currentAngle - (this.currentAngle - this.rightSlow) / this.slowDec; if (this.currentAngle >= _root.PI / 2) { this.currentAngle = _root.PI / 2; clearInterval(this.autoInt); this.autoInt = ""; this.clearPage(); } // end if } else if (this.busy && this.currentAngle < this.rightAngle) { clearInterval(this.autoInt); this.autoInt = ""; this.clearPage(); } // end if } else if (this.currentAngle < this.leftSlow) { this.shadowSpread._alpha = this.shadowSpread._alpha - this.decAlpha; this.shadowOver._alpha = this.shadowSpread._alpha - this.decAlpha; this.shadowBack._alpha = this.shadowSpread._alpha - this.decAlpha; this.currentAngle = this.currentAngle + (this.leftSlow - this.currentAngle) / this.slowDec; if (this.currentAngle <= _root.PI / 2) { this.currentAngle = _root.PI / 2; clearInterval(this.autoInt); this.autoInt = ""; this.clearPage(); } // end if } else if (this.busy && this.currentAngle > this.leftAngle) { this.currentAngle = this.leftAngle; clearInterval(this.autoInt); this.autoInt = ""; this.clearPage(); } // end if this.movePage(); updateAfterEvent(); }; MovieClip.prototype.movePage = function () { this["page" + this.openPage].setPage(this.currentAngle, this.rotation); this["maskOpen" + this.openPage].setPage((_root.PI / 2 + this.currentAngle) / 2, this.rotation); this["maskClose" + this.openPage].applyPage(this["maskOpen" + this.openPage]); this.shadowSpread.applyPage(this["page" + this.openPage]); this.shadowBack.applyPage(this["maskOpen" + this.openPage]); this["maskPage" + this.openPage].applyPage(this["page" + this.openPage]); this.shadowOver.applyPage(this["maskOpen" + this.openPage]); if (this.waitForEvent && this.autoInt == "") { this.waitForEvent.inst[this.waitForEvent.meth].call(this.waitForEvent.inst); this.waitForEvent.inst = ""; this.waitForEvent.meth = ""; } // end if updateAfterEvent(); }; MovieClip.prototype.setPage = function (angle, rotation) { var delta = _root.PI / 2 - angle; this._rotation = 180 * delta / _root.PI; this._x = (rotation ? -1 : 1) + this._parent.xCenter + this._parent.radius * Math.cos(angle) + (rotation ? 1 : -1) * this.radius * Math.cos(this.angle - delta); this._y = this._parent.yCenter - this._parent.radius * Math.sin(angle) - (rotation ? 1 : -1) * this.radius * Math.sin(this.angle - delta); }; MovieClip.prototype.applyPage = function (inst) { this._rotation = inst._rotation; this._x = inst._x; this._y = inst._y; }; MovieClip.prototype.clearPage = function () { this.shadowSpread.clear(); this.shadowBack.clear(); this.shadowOver.clear(); var i = 0; while (i < this.nbPage) { if (i != this.pageRight && i != this.pageleft) { this["page" + i]._visible = false; } // end if i++; } // end while if (this.jumpPage != "") { if (this.jumpPage == this.pageRight || this.jumpPage == this.pageLeft) { this.jumpPage = ""; this.incAngle = this.incAngle / 10; this.busy = false; } else { this.movePage(); this.gotoPage(this.jumpSens); } // end if } else { this.busy = false; } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.finishMove = function () { if (this.rotation) { if (this.currentAngle > (_root.PI / 2 + this.rightAngle - this.currentSpeed * this.incAngle) / 2) { this.sens = true; } else { this.sens = false; } // end if } else if (this.currentAngle < (_root.PI / 2 + this.leftAngle - this.currentSpeed * this.incAngle) / 2) { this.sens = true; } else { this.sens = false; } // end if if (this.sens) { this.pageRight = this.rotation ? this.bellowPage : this.openPage; this.pageLeft = this.rotation ? this.openPage : this.bellowPage; } // end if this.autoInt = setInterval(this, "oneMove", 1); }; MovieClip.prototype.setShadowSpread = function (inst, sens) { this.clear(); if (sens) { this.beginGradientFill("linear", [0, 0], [0, 40], [0, 255], ); this.moveTo(inst.bound.xMin, inst.bound.yMin); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMin, inst.bound.yMax); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMin + 200, inst.bound.yMax); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMin - 20, inst.bound.yMax + 20); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMin, inst.bound.yMin); this.endFill(); } else { this.beginGradientFill("linear", [0, 0], [60, 0], [32, 255], ); this.moveTo(inst.bound.xMax, inst.bound.yMin); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMax, inst.bound.yMax); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMax - 200, inst.bound.yMax); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMax + 20, inst.bound.yMax + 20); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMax, inst.bound.yMin); this.endFill(); } // end if this.radius = inst.radius; this.angle = inst.angle; }; MovieClip.prototype.setShadowBack = function (inst, sens) { this.clear(); if (sens) { this.beginGradientFill("linear", [0, 0, 0], [20, 10, 0], [0, 68, 255], ); this.moveTo(inst.bound.xMax, inst.bound.yMin - 50); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMax + 40, inst.bound.yMin); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMax + 40, inst.bound.yMax); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMax, inst.bound.yMax); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMax, inst.bound.yMin - 50); this.endFill(); } else { this.beginGradientFill("linear", [0, 0, 0], [20, 10, 0], [0, 68, 255], ); this.moveTo(inst.bound.xMin, inst.bound.yMin - 50); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMin - 40, inst.bound.yMin); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMin - 40, inst.bound.yMax); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMin, inst.bound.yMax); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMin, inst.bound.yMin - 50); this.endFill(); } // end if this.radius = inst.radius; this.angle = inst.angle; }; MovieClip.prototype.setShadowOver = function (inst, sens) { this.clear(); if (sens) { this.beginGradientFill("linear", [0, 0, 0], [20, 10, 0], [0, 68, 255], ); this.moveTo(inst.bound.xMax - 1, inst.bound.yMin - 50); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMax - 50, inst.bound.yMin); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMax - 50, inst.bound.yMax); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMax - 1, inst.bound.yMax); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMax - 1, inst.bound.yMin - 50); this.endFill(); } else { this.beginGradientFill("linear", [0, 0, 0], [20, 10, 0], [0, 68, 255], ); this.moveTo(inst.bound.xMin + 1, inst.bound.yMin - 50); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMin + 50, inst.bound.yMin); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMin + 50, inst.bound.yMax); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMin + 1, inst.bound.yMax); this.lineTo(inst.bound.xMin + 1, inst.bound.yMin - 50); this.endFill(); } // end if this.radius = inst.radius; this.angle = inst.angle; }; _root.book.setBook(); _root.button.onPress = function () { _root.book.gotoPage("next"); }; stop();